Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Thomsen Garden Weeks 2-3

Week Two

The two above pictures are from week two of our garden . We had little sprouts just five days after we had planted all of our seeds. WHo would have known that we Thomsens would have such green thumbs... or maybe just good poopies in our soil. But it is coming along better than expected.

Week 3
Our little garden is really starting to take off. Hello veggies. That massive snow storm that came in to nicely at the end of May took a toll on some our our little bean plants, but we have replanted and replenished. For the most part, the little guys really pulled through.


Heather and Brett said...

Thanks for the update on the garden! What about the strawberries?

Lynsee said...

Look at you go! I am so impressed!