Sunday, December 14, 2008


This year we had Thanksgiving with my family at my brother's house in Saratoga Springs. It was a usual Thanksgiving, filled with turkey, stuffing, rolls, pies, and fat bellies. What else do you expect from Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving and I always have. There are so many things that I feel that I have to be thankful for. One... I'm so grateful to have the most wonderful husband who is so selfless and loving. Two- for the most wonderful family in the entire world. Three -For good stable jobs in a time of financial chaos. Four- For all of our many loving, supportive friends out there. Yes... All of you. I feel like I have so many blessings to be thankful for, and thought I should share a few.

Jeff has become quite popular with all my nieces. I think they all have little crushes on him. Its really cute, and I can't blame them for doing so. They all call him Uncle Rico to spare any confusion with my brother Jeff. Jeff was known as the the piggy back ride giver, the horse, the bottom of the dog pile, and a great dancing uncle. He was pretty tuckered out by the end of our Thanksgiving fiesta. What a great uncle.

Here are Tori and Daphne on Thanksgiving as we all awaited our Thanksgiving feist.

Here is my cute Mom and Dad sitting int thier assigned seats and thier Thanksgiving Favors. Aren't they so cute.

And again... the free horsey rides that Jeff gave to all the kids.

My brother Josh, his wife Shara, and thier cutest little boy James. We love you guys.

This is my brother Jeramy, with his little boy William. William has it all figured out, and has definatly developed his little personality these past few months and he is hilarious. I love it. I love the holidays and being able to spend some time with my family. It seems like life gets so crazy sometimes that we don't get enough time to do whats really important.

1 comment:

The Sorenson's said...

oh your family always has so much fun! have a good christmas if i don't see ya before then!